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E-mail addresses of Competition Secretaries are :-

Internal Competition Secretary -

External Competition Secretary -



All the elements in the entered image must have been produced by the author.

Specifically the author must have:-
a) Taken the photograph/s used in the image
b) Been the author of any post production manipulation in the darkroom or computer based equivalent.
Copyright for all images is acknowledged as remaining with the author unless otherwise assigned by the author.
Where the image is a portrait, (and in particular where the subject is a minor) it is the author’s responsibility to indemnify Workington & District Camera Club (WADCC) by obtaining signed waivers and permissions, where necessary.
Entry into competition implicitly authorises WADCC to use the specific image:-
a)  To represent the WADCC in external competitions (including subsequent catalogues, selections etc. when successful), unless specifically stated by the member on joining WADCC.
b)  To illustrate the WADCC Competition results / Members work on the Internet.
c)  In displays and literature to promote WADCC and canvas for new members.
Only paid up and honorary members of WADCC can enter WADCC competitions.
To facilitate this each member will be given a Competition Number when they pay their subscription.
The images awarded First place in OPEN and THEMED competitions will earn entry into the final competition to decide the individual Print and Projected Digital Image of the year. (All members will be allowed to choose two images from their Projected Digital Image entries and two images from their Print entries to enter in the Image of the Year competition. These must have been entered in a WADCC competition during the season and be unaltered in any way from that entry.)
The Open events are the mainstay of the WADCC competition calendar. They are judged by impartial judges, typically members of other clubs. (Note: All judges names proposed by the appropriate Competition Secretary are to be submitted for approval at a Committee meeting before they are invited to judge).
7.1 There will be three OPEN competitions each season. The competitions will consist of a print category and a Projected Digital Image (PDI) category.
a) In addition there will be an open competition on a technique chosen by the holder of the President's Trophy from the previous year.
7.2 Independent judges will assess the images entered and each image will be awarded a mark from the following scale:-
1st place 6 points, 2nd place 5 points, 3rd place 4 points, Highly Commended 3 points, Commended 2 points, and for Entry 1 point.
7.3 The judge may award as many 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, Highly Commended and Commended as they feel appropriate.
7.4 There will be two sections in each competition; the Club section for less experienced members and the Advanced section for more experienced / qualified members. Members may only take part in one section in any one year. (Members may choose which section they wish to enter but the final decision as to their eligibility will be made by the Committee).
a) At the end of each year the member(s) with the highest overall points total, in either Club PDI or Club Print competitions may move up to the Advanced section. Any member with the highest overall total points in the Club section for two years will be automatically promoted to the Advanced section.
7.5 In each category of competition, a member may submit up to two entries; viz; two Prints and two PDIs. These will all count towards the marking system. In addition, a further image may be entered in each category for judge’s comments only. (Prints for comment only do not need to be mounted as for competition and should not be identified in any way i.e. no title or competition number).
7.6 All entries to Open competitions must be new work to WADCC competitions in either format. There are three exceptions:-
a) An image enhanced and altered by the author to the extent that it becomes new work may be entered once more in an Open competition.
b) Entry into Themed competitions does not count and entries to Themed competitions may also be entered once in an Open competition.
c) Images that have previously been submitted for judge’s comments only.
There will be two themed competitions during the season: People (including Portraits) and Scapes
a) These competitions will be separate from the Open Competitions.
b) The format of the competitions will otherwise be the same as the Open competitions. The winner will be the member who gains first place in the competition.
c) At the discretion of the Committee an extra award may be given to a WADCC member who has excelled in these competitions without winning.
d) The people and portraits themed competition held during the season will encompass all aspects of human life and its associations.
e) The definition of scape for entries into the “Scapes” competition is: - the capture by means of photography of a pictorial study of a scene (nature / seascapes / cityscapes / industrial and skyscapes are acceptable). Impressionistic or abstract scapes are not eligible for the competition.
f) For the "Scapes" competition no techniques that add, relocate or replace pictorial elements are permitted. Processing of the captured image, by cropping, exposure adjustment, colour correction, noise minimisation, dodging / burning, stitching to produce a panorama, HDR, focus stacking and sharpening is allowed. Cloning of image defects and minor distractions, including overlapping elements, are permitted when these do not distort the truth of the photographic statement.
There are a number of external competitions that WADCC participates in either by entering a “Club entry” or where individual members can enter representing themselves and WADCC. Where practical, the External Competition Secretary will co-ordinate and collect the entries. It remains the individual member’s responsibility to prepare images in accordance with the rules of the particular competition.
The competitions currently are :-
a) Western Area Battle – Where a selection of prints and PDIs are judged in competition against all the clubs in the Northern Counties Photographic Federation’s “Western Area”. The event is hosted by each of the clubs in rotation.
b) Three Way Club Battle - Where a selection of Prints and PDIs are judged in competition with our neighbouring clubs Carlisle and Dalston. The event is hosted by each of the clubs in rotation.
c) NCPF Annual Competition - Club and individual entries.
d) PAGB Open (Limited Eligibility) Cup clubs’ competition - Club entry only
and any other competitions at the discretion of the Committee.
(see Club Programme and PAGB and NCPF websites for dates)
In addition to the “Competed for” awards, the Club President may make an award, solely at their discretion, to mark any achievement, contribution, or commitment to WADCC.
It is the members’ responsibility to ensure that entries arrive in the possession of the appropriate Competition Secretary or their deputy in good time, and in compliance with all of the specific competition rules.
11.1 Print Format
The intention is to give the judges as little clue as possible as to who the author is. To this end we look to make the entry format as uniform as possible.
For competitions to be judged in the hall, all prints must:
a) Contain a Title in the top left-hand corner on the reverse side of the mount.
b) Be mounted on Card preferably backed but not using masking tape.
c) The size of the mount must be 500mm x 400mm in line with NCPF regulations
d) The minimum size of the actual print must be not less than 200 mm along one side.
For competitions judged on Zoom members should prepare two A4 copies of their prints, one to be sent to the judge and one for display in the hall. These should have the title in the top left hand corner on the reverse of the print. (At their discretion members may produce a mounted print for display in the hall).
All prints that have been entered for a competition should be collected within a reasonable time after the competition.
11.2 Projected Digital Images (PDIs) Format
There is a separate “How to” guide for producing these images on the WADCC website.
To summarise, the requirements the images:-
a) Must be “Jpeg” format, in sRGB colour space and with a title not exceeding 35 characters (excluding competition number, but including spaces).
b) The maximum overall size is 1600 pixels (wide) by 1200 pixels (high) at any resolution but must be less than 3MB in size.
c) Named in the form Competition Number - TITLE IN CAPITALS.
The member shall also enter the following data into the File Properties
Select the Details tab
In the Description section Title Field add the Image Title (no members Competition Number)
In the Description section Subject field add the Competition Title
In the Origin section Author field add the Members Competition number
Some PDI tips
a) Jpegs are a “Lossy” format which means that every time you do something to the file it loses some of its data. So consider:
i. Work in another format before saving the final PDI as a jpeg
ii. Don’t use “Send as email attachment” or ZIP files – Both of them will degrade the data in your image
b) Save the image and in your e-mail package use the attach command (usually a paperclip) to put the image in the email
11.3 Preferred method of entry
By midnight on the day before the hand-in deadline. Send an e-mail to the appropriate Competition Secretary, (see website for Competition Secretaries e-mail addresses) attaching your PDI entries and digital copies of your print entries. The e-mail should contain your competition number and the titles of your PDI and print entries.
To ensure that they do not go into the PDI competition, digital copies of Print entries must be titled in the following way:-
Competition number COPYPRINT Title
e.g. 15 COPYPRINT Derwentwater
The member shall also enter the following data into the File Properties
Select the Details tab
In the Description section Title Field add the Image Title (no COPYPRINT or members Competition Number)
In the Description section Subject field add the Competition Title
In the Origin section Author field add the Members Competition number
On the following Friday night, hand-in the prints to the Competition Secretary.
Note: If you don’t have e-mail access, bring your PDIs on memory stick to the club on the Friday hand-in night.
Late entries are not accepted. In the case of an emergency, contact the Competition Secretary for guidance.
13.1 WADCC and/or its officers cannot accept responsibility for loss of or damage to entries.
13.2 WADCC aims to give equal opportunities to all members. Should you have any difficulty accessing information or resources speak to the Competition Secretary or a Committee member and we will do all we can to help you.
13.3 In all competitions the Judges decisions with regards to placements and commendations are final.
13.4 The Competition Secretary, or their deputy, will arbitrate any other dispute and for competition their decision is final. A significant point of fact or order may be referred to the WADCC Committee to define future club interpretation of whatever the major issue is.
13.5 The Competition Secretary, or their deputy, may reject any entry from competition if in their opinion:-
a) A print is presented in a condition which may damage other members’ work.
b) A PDI is not submitted in the correct format.
14.1 WADCC Committee is the final arbiter of any disputes with regards to competition and reserves the right to alter the rules and conditions of competition without notice.
14.2 Submission of an entry implies acceptance of all of these rules.
15.    15 TROPHIES
Trophies will be awarded as follows:
In the Advanced Section:
For highest total points in all 3 open competitions and the "open technique" competition:
Prints - Print competition Trophy
PDI - B S Richardson Trophy
For the winning Print "People and portraits" - Bates Trophy Cup
For the winning PDI "People and portraits" - Bates Trophy Shield
For the winning Print "Scapes" - R A Evans Rose bowl Print
For the winning PDI "Scapes" - R A Evans Rose bowl PDI
For the winning Print "Image of the Year" - Print of the Year plaque
For the winning PDI "Image of the Year" - Image of the Year Plaque
In the Club section:
For the highest total points in all PDI Club section competitions - Shield
For the highest total points in all Print Club section competitions - Shield

Revised at AGM meeting –19th  April  2024

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