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                                                    REVISED OCTOBER 2023 

A register of meeting attendees to be kept. The register to be maintained by the person on reception duties.


Before the start of each meeting the fire escapes should be checked by the key holder or meeting organiser, for free egress.  Attendees to be reminded of the location of fire exits.


At the start of each season a fire drill should be held. Further fire drills at the discretion of the Committee. 


When lifting or moving heavy items such as tables they should be moved by more than one person.  Help from volunteers to be requested. 


A maximum of four people to be in the kitchen at any one time. 

The electric urn to be used only by persons familiar with its operation.  A register of such persons to be maintained.


Portable mains electrical equipment should be examined before use, for damage or loose and exposed wires.   An RCD circuit breaker should be used.


All trailing cables should be covered by using cable cover mats. Alternatively, access to the cables should be prevented by the positioning of furniture such as tables and chairs.


For practical workshops requiring additional equipment, the organiser should announce details of any additional safety   precautions necessary.  Only those persons known to be competent should set up equipment.   
Members personal equipment such as bags, boxes and packages should not be left on the floor where they might be a trip hazard.  No equipment belonging to WDCC should be left where it might cause a trip hazard.  


Where extended tripods are being used, they must be under the direct control of the user, or moved to a designated storage area, an area delineated by chairs. 


Members should be reminded that WDCC accepts no liability for loss or damage to members personal equipment.


The safety policy to be reviewed annually.

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