Last night we were joined, via zoom, by David Gilliver from Glasgow. David is
known for his light painting and his macro images of ‘little people’.
David began the evening by telling us a bit about how he first became interested
in light painting, and how it subsequently developed. This interest developed
from his long exposure photography of the coastline around Guernsey where he
was then living, and wanting to make his images a bit different.
He talked us through the camera settings he uses and how he goes about setting
up a shot in the landscape. He also showed us some of the many light painting
tools that are now available to purchase, and the effects they have when used.
Some of these specialist tools, others bought cheaply on amazon or e bay, and
others simple homemade tools.
After the break he showed us some of his many stunning images, which
demonstrated how his skills have developed over the years. These included the
work he did for Lexus and for the Noor Riyadh, the Largest Light Art Festival
in the World in 2023.
Our thanks to David for a really illuminating, interesting and enjoyable evening.
A reminder that next week is a member’s week and if you have any images or a n
AV you wish to show please either forward them to Jane or bring them in on a
memory stick.